Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Hello again,

I took a walk down to my newly discovered sanctuary tonight after work. It is an amazing place, tonight I noticed something I didn't notice last night, another path going through the woods by the brook. I followed this path and noted that after a rain I wouldn't be able to cross here, for I could see the water would cover this place.

But I pushed on and came out to the river, I don't want to tell to many details of this place because I don't want certain people to find me. Let me tell you when I submerged from this almost hidden path I was struck by the fact that I felt I was here before. I know I never was, but it was uncanny how I felt.

I played around one time and painted a picture, it wasn't great but you could make some things out. Let me tell you, a couple of things stood out immediately for me that resembled what I tried to paint. I couldn't believe it. I went back to my place and grabbed my camera once again and took some pictures. Now by first looking at what I painted and the pictures I took, most wouldn't see the resemblance, but if one looked at it from the other side of the river to where I was standing, and where I took the pictures, it would be obvious to some including me.

Somehow what I painted was younger, by that I mean the grass was shorter, the water level was higher and the rocks a little different, but in relatively the same place. My painting was almost that of the same spot, but somehow in the distant past. It is amazing how so many coincident can happen in a lifetime. I have had similar things happen throughout my life, the feeling of living this life for the second time...and yes apparently making the same mistakes every time.

I joked with my friend tonight that I finally lost it, I told her I must be in a comma somewhere waiting for my next shot of med's!! Ha ha, how else does one explain all these crazy things that we think happened. Well if nothing else it gave me some interesting thoughts, and if what I am expecting does happen, I might even have something to enjoy for a while...it is the ending that I don't like. But this is just a fantasy, so it is all in fun, put the straight jacket away...for now:)
I am not about to live in this make believe world of mine...for the time being it is keeping me occupied for a while.

Be good to each other, you may need someones help one day,

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