Wednesday, November 14, 2007



I just got back from a two day work related trip in Lockport. This is the first time I have visited this area and I must say it is a very nice scenic area. Immediately after getting out of my car by our cottage, I noticed the scent of the salt air. Many don't know this, but I am attracted to the salt air and the sound of the waves crashing at a beach.

The combination of this effect changes my personality instantly and completely. It is almost as if rational thought is no longer allowed in this environment, and only the senses are capable of picking up all that is natural. I had a friend with me and as we talked, I engulfed the sights and sound around me. I almost felt like I separated part of me to engage this revitalization that I felt I need.

As my mind became calm I was then able to total concentrate on what my friend was saying and an in depth conversation ensued. I must say it seems like so long since that feeling of contentment filled me. I also know it will be short lived, but I will carry that time as long as I can until it has faded and a new experience is need to replace this contentment.

The one constant I found while there was while watching the different sea birds interact with each other. Although they were weary of the other and watched to see if one had something the other wanted, it was their flight which spell bound me.

As they glided into the wind, they would join in a formation as if a universal feeling of freedom had found them. They weren't looking around for the next morsel, rather they seem to invite the others to let the wind carry them and to be content for that moment. I will analyse what I learned in both my work environment and what nature was trying to tell or show me.

Have a good day,

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