Thursday, July 21, 2011

Long time again

It has been a long time now since my last post, I find the more things change the more they stay the same. Nothing much has changed for me and yet everything has changed.

Three years ago I fell at work and injured my right hand/wrist and arm, I now find out it is permanent after exhausting all possibilities on my own. Now today I found out my injury is worsening as far as pain goes, and now I will be looking into nerve blocks. But as upset as I am about that how can I remain in this thought pattern when others suffer far worse than I.

I have a friend who lost a kidney to cancer 2 years ago, now the cancer is back, and on top of that he just had is big toe removed from complications. So in this light I should not complain, as others surely must come first in our thoughts.

The other day I saw a tree as I walked. Half of this tree was nearly dead, decaying bark surrounding what was once a magnificent tree. And the thought dawned onto me how this tree was not finished, life sprang all around the now gray bark, green flourished on it's other branches and the leaves danced in the wind.

The tree seemed to focused on the good left in it, and puts forth what seeds it can for the future. These thoughts crossed my mind as I walked and blocked the pain that riddled my hand.

Upon further thought I considered the tree in depth, even when this tree meet its end, it would be surrounded by the life it helped to give birth too. And as it crumbled to the earth that grew it, yet again it would fertilize the next generation of this beautiful creation.

In life we become so focused on that which has changed or worsened, we no longer see that which we can still give. In this thought it helps me to remember all I have to give, rather than that I will no long do.

In this I see the potential of positive thinking, given by the very nature that created us all. The trick is to see this when we are depressed or sad and left in our own misery.

Many time now my thoughts are drifting back to the natural state as I use to see things. I do hope it continues and I can share more of these thoughts with anyone who wishes to read them. I will try to move forward once again in life and find the answers that are there but we do not see.

And for those wondering yes I am still single, I have dated and met some nice people and became friends with some. I will keep an open mind as I walk forward, hope for everything and wish for the best lol.

Until next time Pixies.


Tammy said...

Love the tree analogy and you're right...just like when a fire decimates a forest? New life generally springs from it. Things are not only renewed but sometimes made better. It's easy to get into the "my life sucks" routine but then you hear about someone else's life; and realize yours? Isn't really that bad. Very inspiring....thank you!

Pixie said...

Thanks dude!

Anonymous said...

Welcome againe,I have just read your passage and I did like it.Firstly i liked the quality of language.Secondly i respected what you have mentioned in this passage and i do agree with you