Monday, July 25, 2011

Hello again

Good evening my friends, I hope this post finds you well.
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I seem to be falling into a deeper thought pattern lately, I always was a thinker of sorts, but now it seems different. I listen to people and see their dilemma's. My thoughts again go to nature and how to solve some of these problems.

In nature everything is so balanced, only man breaks this delicate thing. Ever notice how a a foreign insect or plant is brought into another country to fix a problem.... only have two more spring up with that so called solution?

Seems we all act the same way, we think of a solution, put it into action and end up with more problems then when we started. Thinking is scarce these days as life does not permit us the time to think things through.

Learning to step aside and wait rather than to be pushed/forced, or mentally beaten into something. The best defense is to step back look at what you are or will do.

Ask yourself, why is it so important to rush into something... could it be because if we stop and think we may change our mind? Evaluation is a long slow tedious process, yet we human think we have mastered that by rushing and jumping to be the first, or just to have something over with.

Ask yourself one question... in the end of our lifetime when we look back at the mirror of truth we have created by our action, and if ask why did you do that.... will you really answer because you were in a hurry or someone else told you too?

Each of us will answer this question in our time, or so I believe. Now in this newer mind set I will begin asking more questions, and taking more time to look at the out come, rather then just getting it over with.

We are responsible for our own actions, we can not blame anyone for what we do... but we can see the effect and try to change the outcome.
Rise above the anger, fear and hatred when possible, and take that one more step closer to understand the meaning of, "We answer for ourselves only".

Seems simple in words but if you truly think about it, common sense is the easiest and hardest thing to understand...and even more difficult to find.

Until next time,


Anonymous said...

Amen to that I never have any common When it comes to making tough discussions sometimes we are forced to make up our minds in a hurry...I think our society is fast pace and we don't take our time to listen and to think anymore but sometimes we also can over think the littlest things as well and cause ourselves to much stress over our is a very fine line we walk...somedays I just wish that the line was as wide as the 103 with passing lanes...LOL!!!


Pixie said...

You are also correct my friend lol

Anonymous said...

While reading the first part of your passage where you talked about nature and how it should inspire us as human I remembred a great poet called Mr: Kenneth white who created a new approach in poetry called " The Geo-mental Geaography:In this approach Mr Kenneth White called people from all over the world to be united and gather around nature which is the only thing that can push us to be united
Mr: Mohammed BEKLOUL

Anonymous said...

Are you still writing like you used to do in the past. BEKLOUL from Morocco