Monday, August 27, 2007

Nice Night

Hello again,

You know, I am getting use to writing on here just about everyday. I now look forward to telling who ever wants to listen about my days.

Some of you may be wondering if things have eased a bit with my X, well I would say yes but not completely. I don't want to give to many details yet, but some things are still happening. But compared to what has already happened they are mild.

I am trying to keep my guard up, but I am wishing the worse to be over...well it is a thought anyway. My mind has become clearer, and I have begun to laugh again. My friend and I went out for supper tonight, and then went for some soul I know what you are thinking...what is soul food. Well tonight it was in the form of a ice cream flurry at the Tasty m&m's, oh so good:)

The soul doesn't care what size your waist is, it only wants to enjoy something that tastes so good that it has to be sinful, or soulful:) I did laugh again tonight, and for once I focused more on my friend and her troubles. You see my friend has a very full plate of troubles that she deals with on a daily basis. This just goes to show how good a friend she is, she is always worried about me and not herself.

I need to start taking better care of her, now that my mind has finally come to a place where it can cope for now. So my friend be prepared, I am going to try and get you to talk more about your problems, so you can vent and scream if need be, I am ready thanks to you:)

I am going to call it a night as I am going to have a very busy day tomorrow at work. Thank goodness for work, it gets me through the day, and if I want to be to tired to think...that is what I do, and tomorrow will be one of those days.

And girls, although it might be short lived, there is almost a calm for now. If yours hasn't come yet, hold on, it will. But I won't promise it will last, so enjoy it as much as you can while you can. I am definitely trying too.

Good night and take care,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think we all should have soul food at least once a week.It couldn't hurt.

Don't worry about me you take good care of me and you always have everytime I needed to talk you was there and right now it's my turn to return the favor.

I'm really glad to hear and see you laugh a little more it does the heart good for you and me. :)

Kelly f.f.l.