Tuesday, August 21, 2007


It has remained quiet the last few days, and I am grateful for that. There are still some issue's coming forward from my family but that by itself I can deal with.

My best friend Kelly came up last night and we went to Wal-mart and Zellers for a while. I forgot how nice it was to go somewhere and not worry about being alone and about my car getting it again. I believe I even laughed a few times:)

I am not foolish enough to think the worse is behind me, I know different. There are some things in the works that will literally stir the pot again, but they must be done.

What really amazes me is that after 25 years together we can't agree how to settle this without going through the courts. But push has come to shove, and I am very tired of being pushed!

So hold on tight when it hits the fan, it is going to spatter far and wide...but I have already lost my freedom, and most of my friends, and family...so he is slowly losing ammunition to use on me.

I have finally began to sleep most of the night which has helped my mind a lot. Maybe now is the time to start moving and pushing forward...into whatever waits for me at the other end of this hell on earth.

I believe it is the calm before the storm,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter how rough the ride gets I won't bail on you.

I'm happy that your getting some sleep now maybe you can start to think clearly and also writing on your blog will also help you with your thoughts.

Keep up the good fight your stronger then what you think.:)

Kelly f.f.l.