Thursday, August 23, 2007

For you

Good morning,

I have decided to give everyone who reads my blog a treat today.
I am not going to complain or try to explain my situation.

This morning I feel thankful, I don't know why yet but I do. I want to thank all of you for your thoughts, and comments. They have meant a great deal to me lately.

Once again I want to thank my best friend Kelly, who literally picked me up when this all started going bad, and never let go:)
Someday I will thank you by spoiling you rotten, and you will deserve it.

If everyone in the world had a good friend like Kelly, there would be far less grief in this world. So for all the good and best friends in this world, this tribute is too you.

Thank you from everyone you have helped and touched, and know you are making a difference in a world that has become so harsh.

Maybe...just maybe, you all are the light:)

Good thoughts,
Thank you,


Anonymous said...

Thank you for all the kind words. It's what friends do for each other. Like I told you before you are a kind soul and I'm the who is privileged to have you as a friend.:)

Kelly f.f.l.

Pixie said...

You are very welcome my friend.

True friends are like sunshine,
days may cloud over, and the rain may fall.

But when things clear, the brightness and warmth of a true friend is felt and known as a ray of hope.

Friends for Life,