Sunday, August 26, 2012

Strange orange lights

Hello everyone, I have a strange story to tell you and I swear it is true. I am in Nova Scotia Canada, Lunenburg county, at approximately 9:12 PM I looked out my window and saw 5 or 6 orange balls going through the sky. At first I thought someone was shooting fireworks, but within seconds I knew it wasn't. There was very high thin clouds scattered about but none blocking my view. I watched as these lights appeared to be going towards the upper atmosphere and then disappear... and not behind a cloud. I ran to grab my camera but only got a fading shot of one just before it disappeared. I was amazed and bewildered at what I was seeing, after the lights disappeared I went back inside(I went out back to snap the picture I took). All this happened in a few minuets, so I went to the front door to look out... Out front I saw a shadow crossing by the moon!... it was huge compared to the half moon, and it did not have any lights on it at all that I could see... again I would say it appeared the object was in the upper atmosphere as it appeared as a shadow in the clear sky.I saw this object because of the moon light and because it seemed to be close to the moon. After seeing this object I couldn't help but wonder... could it have been tracer fire I had seen chasing that object only a few minuets before?... I am not sure, I only know it appeared to be that way and I DID want to share this story!! No I am not drinking and I do not do drugs, but there is definitely something going on in this area tonight. I am keeping an eye on the sky but I have not seen anything since this time. This just goes to prove truth really is stranger than fiction! Look up and be amazed, Pixies :)


Patricia Cher said...

Awesome. What did you think it was?

Pixie said...

I am not sure, might have been secret military experiments, or a valid UFO sighting. Either way I was awe struck by it, and nervous at the same time.Maybe things might be getting closer for contact with the public sector... not just government.