Wednesday, April 1, 2009

New beginning?

Hello everyone,

I am hoping the last of my divorce papers are now signed, waiting for them to return.
I am happy again as I am starting to date again, I have been talking to someone for a few weeks now. We met for the first time last Saturday and we plan on getting together again this weekend.

It is nice having something to look forward to now and I do like him very much. We are taking it slow and putting no label on to it. I am finally more content in my life, I had to let some family go to keep my peace, but I have made my peace with that.

I am going to try and enjoy my life a bit and see what it was meant to be like. For those of you still going through a break up or planning on leaving, think it through and try to plan it first. I was forced out and had no choice, and if I can give one piece of advice to you, it would be...don't be the one to leave even if the police tell you too.

They told me I had to go, I was in shock from being choked and watching blood on my families face after he attacked them. If my mind would have been working I could have told them to make him go as he became violent, and I know now they would have had to.

I can not change all that happened to me, but I can put the word out to anyone who will listen. The police that was here almost forced me to go using their authority to intimidate me. I urge you to stand your ground if you are not at fault, let the guilty be the ones to leave, and let us have what little peace would remain, and we all know that is not much, but when in the middle of means a lot.

Take care until next time,

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