Thursday, August 18, 2011

Interesting happenings

Hello everyone I hope you are all fine, tonight I had the urge to write about a few happening as of late.

As I started to write this blog entree I got a phone call that a friend I grew up with passed away, he is my age and died of a heart attack. My sympathy to his family is great with their loss, and the times ahead.

A few early mornings ago I decided to go sit in the morning sun on my doorstep. As I looked across the land, trees and bushes everything was wet with dew. As the sun shined onto the limbs and blades of grass it was magical in its affects. The drops of water turned to crystal in appearance, as if the sun was turning all it touched into an array of liquid sunshine.

As I beheld this wondrous moment, I decided to grab my camera and take some pictures. When I lifter my camera to take a shot, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. I lowered the camera and looked, a humming bird came directed in front of my face and looked at me. The little creature jetted back and forth as it studied me,and I even though shocked started to talk to him and proceeded to call him Hummy lol

After a minute the little bird flew away as if satisfied with its curiosity, I can tell you that little bird kept my mind in thought a long time as to the wonders of nature. I sat back down and pondered and realized humans are not the only one with a natural instinct to learn, maybe they too need to overcome their fear.

Tonight was my second interesting happening, as I pulled into my home and stopped my car by my step I noticed a bird flew almost frantic that I was there. It scooted away and almost flew into my home. I sat in my car and let the little creature settle down, and it came back and sat on the doorstep rail and looked at me as I sat in my car. In a low voice I talked to the little bird as I could see it was still frightened.

I was surprised it did not fly away and wondered if it was injured. Slowly I opened my car door and got out of my car, it moved a little further back on the rail but did not fly away. I grabbed my things from the car as I talked to this new friend, as I was about to go up my first step only then did this this bird fly to my roof and watched me again.

I talked to him again for a while and then finally came inside, again my thoughts returned to the humming bird. What a wonder in nature when we least expect it, and I also wondered if the other creatures in nature were growing more curious of us as we invade every part of their world now.

One thing is certain, never stop expecting the unexpected, for as our environment changes for better or worse, all things that live within it, will also change and evolve.

I hope you enjoyed this little story.
Until next time,