Friday, December 30, 2011


Hello everyone,

A new year is almost upon us, I wish you all a good and wonderful beginning in every aspects of your life. I have given a lot of thought to this year, so many changes and so many things remain the same. I have made some wonderful friends, as well as learned some painful truths. But the lessons of life must be learned and I believed shared so all know it happens to others and not just them.

I will push through this year and into the next facing forward, reaching out my hand to all who wish to walk with me in this life and into the new beginning of a new year... welcome one and all ...what ever the new year holds lets hold onto each other and greet it whether it is good, bad happy or sad at least we can keep our friends with us to share it all.

Happy New Year my friends and family,

Saturday, December 24, 2011


I want to take this opportunity to wish you all a safe and Merry Christmas. The true meaning of Christmas is forgiveness as Jesus was born to forgive our sins. So forget the humbugs of Christmas and the fact that many are alone or can not afford to celebrate.

To those who are alone, you still have visitors... we may not know your name but God does and he is always beside you. The poor will inherit more through their humble state as long as the faith and believe of love remains in your heart.

Be blessed my friends and embrace those around you as they are your most precious gift. God be with you and protect you.

Merry CHRISTmas,

Sunday, November 6, 2011

November Thoughts

Good morning my friends,

As I look out my window and see a blanket of frost covering my world I know winter is fast approaching. I love to watch the sun touch the frozen entity as it rises to another day, witnessing the steam and crystal effect is unmatched in beauty.

This makes me think of frozen hearts, covered and protected from all that surround it. Recently someone told me I have boarders around my heart, strange thought... but as I considered this maybe they are right.

As humans we live we learn, we laugh we cry, we remember we forget... but the pain of disillusionment never goes away completely. I believe this is our protector of future pains, also a wisdom is obtained in not running, falling and getting no where fast. Eventually we all move on, but do we really ever let the boarders down again?

I have answered this question in my own way, I explained that unless it is the right touch of sunshine, with its warming embrace,and a gentle mist unseen, then yes a blanket of frost will protect and cover our hearts. Equally many have told me they will never allow that sunshine to touch the outer layers of their hearts, I say it is a lesson and caution is needed.

Shadows fall upon everyone, blocking the warmth and the light that fills us with happiness at some point in our life, the trick is to know, to be aware,and not to block the very light that can melt the pain of yesterday, and re-fill the hope of a loving future.

Understanding is not easily given or seen through pain and despair, we all must wait for the gentle touch of life to return after a frozen land in winter. Keep scrapping the frost and it will return, wait for the sun and it will melt and nourish the soul... for even the sun must endure the winter and travel on a different path for a season.

Journey on my friends for the season will change after what will seem a very long winter.

Until next time,

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Hello everyone I hope you are all well.

I am sure many of you as I, feel tested in our daily life. Troubles seem to grow the minute one thing goes wrong, then it seems to be none stop. We take deep breathes curse, and seem to lose what little control we maintain in that moment.

This makes me wonder how, when we factor in our age and how many years and times this happens... we still lose control. We can take a course and learn how to do or create, we can sit silently and contemplate life... we can juggle life, kids, work leisure... and yet we have trouble controlling our basic instincts.

I believe this to be our most basic instinct, look at the animals in nature and even in your own home. Survival, aggression, no tolerance for mistakes or even socializing with others in many species. Pets show this when sometimes you try to take their food or a favorite toy, or when someone enters the house.

It would seem to me as I look for an answer it is simply understood, nature still struggles and we are a species trying to survive in our own created wilderness. I believe if we did not vent by times we would be in a serious buildup mode, that may lead to serious issues in health.

What is my proof? None...

I simply try to analyze and make sense of it in my mind. That makes it easy as I have no need to prove anything to myself, but to spread a possibility is to open the mind and consider life. I share my thoughts to maybe open the mind of another to consider what you see instead of hiding it in a dark dreary place.

Once we let the light of understanding in and then remember; we are human, we are animal, we are nature. Most important...we must except our faults and limitations and move forward in our evolution... maybe we will be the first to end the aggression that comes so easy to a very emotional breed of beings.

I know this entree will make many shake their heads and wonder what in the heck I am talking about ... I am simply putting thoughts into words, and releasing the questions that arise so naturally.

Think, be,understand,for that is to be human.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Good morning

Hello and good morning everyone,

I decided to try a morning post for a change to see if I can focus in the morning lol
While walking the other day I was struck by a thought, I have contemplated this thought for some time now.

I marveled at how life works in its mysteries sometimes. It seems while some with little effort or problem go through life happy and carefree untouched by misery. Then I thought of how others take one step forward and then ten back, and I thought how do you justify the laws of nature in this way?

Of course knowing there was no answer I pondered into more thought, and as I did another thought came to me... As we take that one step forward and ten reality we only took nine steps back. And if we take two steps forward, then we only take eight back.... this thought brought some light into a deep dark thought.

If we continue to move forward only to fall back we can still gain ground if we keep moving. The challenge is to remember this rather than giving up, which sometimes would be very easy to do. As far as those who move through life with ease I have another thought.

What if these people suffered beyond anything we can image in a past life, or what if that is to be their next life? We as humans judge so fast and quickly we do not contemplate the why's in life, maybe there is a balance... and maybe we only see one side of that balance.

I believe all things will be equalized as we get closer to understanding the real meaning as to why we were created. Their is a knowledge hidden in all of us, and everyone is like a piece of a puzzle. Without all the pieces coming together to form the picture, it will never be understood...or appreciated for its complexities.

Have a great day my friends,

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Interesting happenings

Hello everyone I hope you are all fine, tonight I had the urge to write about a few happening as of late.

As I started to write this blog entree I got a phone call that a friend I grew up with passed away, he is my age and died of a heart attack. My sympathy to his family is great with their loss, and the times ahead.

A few early mornings ago I decided to go sit in the morning sun on my doorstep. As I looked across the land, trees and bushes everything was wet with dew. As the sun shined onto the limbs and blades of grass it was magical in its affects. The drops of water turned to crystal in appearance, as if the sun was turning all it touched into an array of liquid sunshine.

As I beheld this wondrous moment, I decided to grab my camera and take some pictures. When I lifter my camera to take a shot, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. I lowered the camera and looked, a humming bird came directed in front of my face and looked at me. The little creature jetted back and forth as it studied me,and I even though shocked started to talk to him and proceeded to call him Hummy lol

After a minute the little bird flew away as if satisfied with its curiosity, I can tell you that little bird kept my mind in thought a long time as to the wonders of nature. I sat back down and pondered and realized humans are not the only one with a natural instinct to learn, maybe they too need to overcome their fear.

Tonight was my second interesting happening, as I pulled into my home and stopped my car by my step I noticed a bird flew almost frantic that I was there. It scooted away and almost flew into my home. I sat in my car and let the little creature settle down, and it came back and sat on the doorstep rail and looked at me as I sat in my car. In a low voice I talked to the little bird as I could see it was still frightened.

I was surprised it did not fly away and wondered if it was injured. Slowly I opened my car door and got out of my car, it moved a little further back on the rail but did not fly away. I grabbed my things from the car as I talked to this new friend, as I was about to go up my first step only then did this this bird fly to my roof and watched me again.

I talked to him again for a while and then finally came inside, again my thoughts returned to the humming bird. What a wonder in nature when we least expect it, and I also wondered if the other creatures in nature were growing more curious of us as we invade every part of their world now.

One thing is certain, never stop expecting the unexpected, for as our environment changes for better or worse, all things that live within it, will also change and evolve.

I hope you enjoyed this little story.
Until next time,

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Upsetting thoughts

Hello everyone, seems I always write later in the evening, maybe that is when my thoughts clear a bit.

Tonight however my thoughts are in turmoil, I made a friend on the internet two and a half years ago. We went through many troubles and toils together and shared many stories. In that friendship, like real life friends we had some problems but always seemed to start chatting again after some time passed.

Tonight however things were said and done, that not even time can erase from my memory. I am very upset as I am a person who takes people into my heart and try to keep them there. Maybe that is not good, but I choose to keep my heart open in this life...

Many times I closed my heart after so many horrible things happened, but that means the bad or evil whatever you prefer to call it wins! I refuse to let that happen, and I know there are very good people out there... and yes even bad people I must admit.

I will truly and surely miss this friend, but I know in my heart I can not change what happened no more than I can change tomorrow or yesterday. With tear filled eyes I said good bye as I wished my friend a good life in spite of what happened.

We must all look deep within ourselves at these times, and find that which makes us strong, and that which gives us courage and strength to go on. I do believe we all have a purpose, sometimes we can reach someone and make a big difference in their life...sometimes it does not matter what we say or do.

The point is always try, for every tear we shed, we may receive 1000 smiles in it's that is what I call a real blessing. Hold on tight to those you can, let those go gracefully that we can not hold onto, and wish them luck in life.

This moves us one step closer to a greater understanding... and makes us victorious over that which tried to defeat us.

Until the next time my friends,

Monday, July 25, 2011

Hello again

Good evening my friends, I hope this post finds you well.
It has been brought to my attention that some people are having trouble leaving a comment on my blogs. If you are one of these people, click anonymous under your comment instead of trying to log into Google. If you like you can type your name under your comment, or leave it as anonymous.

I seem to be falling into a deeper thought pattern lately, I always was a thinker of sorts, but now it seems different. I listen to people and see their dilemma's. My thoughts again go to nature and how to solve some of these problems.

In nature everything is so balanced, only man breaks this delicate thing. Ever notice how a a foreign insect or plant is brought into another country to fix a problem.... only have two more spring up with that so called solution?

Seems we all act the same way, we think of a solution, put it into action and end up with more problems then when we started. Thinking is scarce these days as life does not permit us the time to think things through.

Learning to step aside and wait rather than to be pushed/forced, or mentally beaten into something. The best defense is to step back look at what you are or will do.

Ask yourself, why is it so important to rush into something... could it be because if we stop and think we may change our mind? Evaluation is a long slow tedious process, yet we human think we have mastered that by rushing and jumping to be the first, or just to have something over with.

Ask yourself one question... in the end of our lifetime when we look back at the mirror of truth we have created by our action, and if ask why did you do that.... will you really answer because you were in a hurry or someone else told you too?

Each of us will answer this question in our time, or so I believe. Now in this newer mind set I will begin asking more questions, and taking more time to look at the out come, rather then just getting it over with.

We are responsible for our own actions, we can not blame anyone for what we do... but we can see the effect and try to change the outcome.
Rise above the anger, fear and hatred when possible, and take that one more step closer to understand the meaning of, "We answer for ourselves only".

Seems simple in words but if you truly think about it, common sense is the easiest and hardest thing to understand...and even more difficult to find.

Until next time,

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Long time again

It has been a long time now since my last post, I find the more things change the more they stay the same. Nothing much has changed for me and yet everything has changed.

Three years ago I fell at work and injured my right hand/wrist and arm, I now find out it is permanent after exhausting all possibilities on my own. Now today I found out my injury is worsening as far as pain goes, and now I will be looking into nerve blocks. But as upset as I am about that how can I remain in this thought pattern when others suffer far worse than I.

I have a friend who lost a kidney to cancer 2 years ago, now the cancer is back, and on top of that he just had is big toe removed from complications. So in this light I should not complain, as others surely must come first in our thoughts.

The other day I saw a tree as I walked. Half of this tree was nearly dead, decaying bark surrounding what was once a magnificent tree. And the thought dawned onto me how this tree was not finished, life sprang all around the now gray bark, green flourished on it's other branches and the leaves danced in the wind.

The tree seemed to focused on the good left in it, and puts forth what seeds it can for the future. These thoughts crossed my mind as I walked and blocked the pain that riddled my hand.

Upon further thought I considered the tree in depth, even when this tree meet its end, it would be surrounded by the life it helped to give birth too. And as it crumbled to the earth that grew it, yet again it would fertilize the next generation of this beautiful creation.

In life we become so focused on that which has changed or worsened, we no longer see that which we can still give. In this thought it helps me to remember all I have to give, rather than that I will no long do.

In this I see the potential of positive thinking, given by the very nature that created us all. The trick is to see this when we are depressed or sad and left in our own misery.

Many time now my thoughts are drifting back to the natural state as I use to see things. I do hope it continues and I can share more of these thoughts with anyone who wishes to read them. I will try to move forward once again in life and find the answers that are there but we do not see.

And for those wondering yes I am still single, I have dated and met some nice people and became friends with some. I will keep an open mind as I walk forward, hope for everything and wish for the best lol.

Until next time Pixies.